Hello everyone! My name is Julia. I am an artist and an architect. I studied like everyone else and after the institute worked as an architect in my specialty.

Like all architects, I am also a creative person.

At some point, I realized that painting is my vocation, I learned to paint with a palette knife, this is a very modern and fashionable technique now.

People like my work, I paint large and small oil paintings from photos and in the open air. Basically, I am inspired by nature, cities. The oil impasto technique is a whole world, with its help you can express everything you want and lie in your heart.

I sell my works through the Etsy website all over the world.

Here is my store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Juliapaletteknife 

It is convenient - Etsy takes a small commission, payment is safe for me and for the buyer, by the way, the buyer is also protected by the fact that if the seller suddenly did not send the purchase, then Etsy will refund the money.

Etsy dictates neither prices nor what I should paint. 

I started publishing my master classes on Udemy website - whoever wants to can try to write with me with a palette knife. My Russian lessons are free. There are also some free English lessons.





Udemy is a very convenient platform, where you can upload videos, do polls, tests. Udemy also constantly makes big discounts. I have not yet understood whether there is any benefit for me, because these discounts reach 90 percent, but for now I am looking closely. In any case, this is one of the largest learning platforms where you can find lessons for all tastes.

Exposition in bibliotheek Gooi en Meer


Mijn expositie die was afschaffen vanwege de Coronavirus gaat 19 november 2020 door!

De expositie zal 2 maanden duren


Het adres: Wilhelminaplantsoen 18, 1404 JB Bussum

Leuk om jullie daar te zien!



My exhibition that was canceled due to the Coronavirus will take place November 19, 2020!

The exposition lasts till 20 January

The address: Wilhelminaplantsoen 18, 1404 JB Bussum
Nice to see you there!

Exposition in bibliotheek Loosdrecht

A very nice little library in Loosdrecht let me exhibit my art there. That was a very good opportunity to show my art.

Een heel leuke kleine mar heel gezellige bibliotheek in Loosdrecht liet mij mijn kunst daar exposeren. Dat was een heel goede gelegenheid on mijn kunst te laten zien. 


Olie op doek, paletmes. 50*80


Zilver water in Narden

Olie op doek, paletmes. 30*40

Naarden marina,

Olie op doek, paletmes. 50*50

Naarden Vesting

Sold, made to order 

Olie op doek, paletmes. 30*40

Coimbra, Portugal

Olie op doek, paletmes. 50*50

Herfst op Bussum Zuid. 

Olie op doek, paletmes. 50*50

St. Pietersburg. Rivier Monastyrka.

Olie op doek, paletmes. 50*50

Amsterdam Oud-Zuid.

Olie op doek, paletmes. 30*40


E-mail adress: julia.grechkina@gmail.com

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